Programmed Morphologies v5.02


Third Floor, 145/1, Shahpur Jat, New Delhi

20/07/2019 - 21/07/2019

Scripting & Logic in design processes are constantly evolving and contributing to new innovative design workflows. The new digital techniques, combined with human sensibility and manual (analogue) techniques, are opening new grounds of design exploration that are directed towards seamless integration of form, material, and the applied forces. This integrated process entails a shift from traditional form-finding techniques to processes of a generative and performative nature. Two-day workshop on Scripting & Logic in Architecture & Design using Grasshopper and Python scripting. The workshop will introduce the basics of grasshopper with visual scripting. It will discuss methods of parametric design, algorithmic modelling techniques and advanced data management for the generation and control of complex shapes using python/grasshopper. Workshop will be focused to cover up several modules along with the introduction of various fractal geometries based over mathematical platforms like grasshopper for Rhinoceros. Tools like processing, Mandelbulb 3d, Apophysis, Python scripting related to generation of fractal geometries and methodology of programming will also be discussed and experimented in the module. It will cover the most important aspect of the visual programming software that will include lectures and guided practical exercises.

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