

Photographer : Shalini Sehgal

1000 yoga was designed keeping in mind the principles of yoga, harmony and inner peace. While entering into the studio, one is greeted with the sight of Buddha, focal in the central well-lit courtyard.  The single large yoga studio is asymmetric to one side of the court, while on the other, a large primary room opening on both sides to secondary rooms. The yoga studio is designed with a large connection to the courtyard, uses barrel vaults to create skylights and has a large Jali wall, all connecting the users to the outside environment; drawing energy from nature instead of boxing people in.  The spaces thus created are a balance of open and built.

On the other side of the courtyard, are the office spaces and painting studio. The rooms open to the balcony using full height glass windows and doors which bridge the interior and exterior, while still maintaining privacy by use of parapet. A setback has been created all around the building by designing a singular balcony, which allows balmy light to filter in. Off to one side of the courtyard is the large yoga studio; its barrel vault roof adding to the massiveness of the space. The studio is designed to be flexible in use and is illuminated by skylights and the backdrop of a Jali wall. Being situated at the top floor and containing porous walls, a tranquil flow of air is created adding another magnitude to the space.  

The main feature of the building is the vaulted roof, which gives the effect of increased space. Even though the increased space exists overhead, it manipulates the experience to suggest added square footage.


Architects : Pragrup
Area : 5200 sq.ft
Year : 2021
Website :

Various green building and cost effective techniques have been used in the building to connect is to the context, climate and environment.

Materials – The building is built incorporating various cost effective measures of building design like and all the materials that have been used are locally available materials within 100 km radius

Structural system - The entire studio is supported by steel structure which makes it light weight and helps to withstand more loads. Steel is re-used grade steel as loading on top is only of the roof and not extra floors.

Walls – All walls have exposed brick facing and brick cladding. This reduced the cost of plastering and painting.

One of the walls has brick jail pattern in itself, making it cost effective and aesthetically pleasing at the same time.

Door Windows – Door windows are made of a re-engineered wood. Louvers help in maintaining the wind draught and act as a temperature and glare controller. Solid wood for door and windows is partially re-engineered, partially planted wood.

Flooring – IPS, i.e. cement flooring is used for corridors and brick flooring is provided in the courtyard to maintain the harmony of materials. Also these are locally available and in-situ materials which help in reducing the cost of project.

The artifacts add another dimension to the space, using anthropomorphic and vernacular symbolism. The light fixtures have also been selected beyond just their functional use, they add to the ambiance of the space while heightening the wall and ceiling finishes.

Cost effective and exclusive construction techniques 

Vaulted roof - The unique feature of the studio is the vaulted roof. The vaulted roof is cladded with baliapatam bricks. This not only increases the beauty of the studio but also has high durability and reduces the risk of cracks. These bricks have been laid carefully in order to reduce wastage. The vaulted roofing provides amazing space and acoustics. They have excellent resistance to water and winds. They give the effect of increased space and gives a comfortable feeling overall. The soffit of the vault is neatly laid with locally available clay bricks. The interior walls are also cladded with clay bricks. Since it’s a clean natural material it does not have any impact on the environment. The also helps in maintaining the indoor climate pleasant.

Ventilation - Natural ventilation is provided by creating a wind draught through large openings and small openings as in vents. The funnel effect is seen in this studio. Strong up-draught of air maintains the circulation. Low pressure is created on the other sides, causing air to be sucked through the building and out of the other vents. Cross ventilation is engineered through the vents on the roof that allow the hot air to rise and cooler air to enter through the windows. The vents and the funnels helps accelerate the descending air into a room below. Wind exerts a high positive pressure on the walls facing its flow.

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