

Photographer : Maíra Acayaba

From the rocky soil of agreste
From the pernambucana bucolic view,
Hard, firm, flat,
For good architecture in the Northeast.

The cottage sprouts on the stones,
In rolling green lands,
Spreads through the place,
For a modulated white construction.

In the poetry of the rectilinear outcrop,
Everything rises and leads to nature.
Edges, volumes and balances,
Certain advances point and emerge.

Marquee, tips and contours,
Go through gaps in finite course.
Brick, iron and concrete,
In balance in this monolith.

Between encounters and mismatches,
The house takes shape.
Between cuts and cutouts,
The landscape conforms itself.

The straight line that frames,
Frame scenario, sculpt scenes.
Overflow spaces,
And it spills into so many rooms.

In the active manifest of the plans,
Everything the straight leads.
Strong, crude and light,
Everything is shadow, everything is light. 


Architects : NEBR arquitetura
Area : 400 sq. m
Year : 2022
Website : Muniz

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