

Photographer : Studio 2:3 (

Redefining a white-walled and stereotyped hospital into a dynamic experience, the design of the project amplifies the pleasure in the hearts of the mothers and families.
Where the dimensions serve as a cosy home, the artwork on the wall  brings the chirp and the colours on the cement sheets pop out to hold the interest.
'To be a mother' is altogether a different experience and these months can be considered as the prettiest span of life. The artwork on the SELFIE wall is thus intended to intrigue the anticipation of the journey of the mother as well as sum it up with a piece of contentment in hands.
Also, spreading a message to the society of saying no to female foeticide.
Overall material palette used for the project are Cement sheets and Aluminium. 
Material palette used for furniture: Cement sheets, Aluminium, Saag wood, and Laminate.


Architects : Quartet Architects
Area : 2300 sq.ft.
Year : 2020

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