“Celandine” as the name suggests, shares with itself tropical vibes that brings in light to create more liveable spaces. Respecting the site and climate, Celandine profoundly serves it’s best as a coherent and adapted architecture. The breath-taking site located at Muringoor, Thrissur, spreads across an area of about 20 cent. Celandine has tropical design amalgamated with specific materials.

Kerala is renowned for its tropical weather, lush scenery, year-round humid summers and heavy monsoons. The proposal was inspired by the fact that homes can adapt to the climate through the use of bricks, sloping roofs, and courtyards. Celandine spans an area of 3500 sq.ft. and was completed in the year 2021. The brief was to design a simple home for a family of four; Jickson, his wife and their two daughters using natural materials, which would be adaptive to tropical climate.

An ideology that the firm follows in almost all of its projects is that the materials used become the interior design elements in itself, without much else added for ornamentation. This concept has been religiously executed in Celandine too. Most of the materials used are earth-derived and left bare viz., fired bricks for walls, clay tiles for roofing, natural kota stone for flooring and terracotta hurudees are used to show separation. Although glass has been extensively used on facades, they are well-shaded which ensures only filtered sunlight falls inside. These, along with adaptations of Vernacular Kerala architecture concepts such as sloping roofs, courtyards with lush tropical greens, and water bodies have helped in regulating the internal climate within the building to a great extent. The use of diverse natural materials, and its uniqueness in physical and decorative features, leads Celandine to stand out while adapting to nature.


Architects : 7th Hue Architecture Studio
Area : 3500 sq.ft.
Year : 2021
Website : https://instagram.com/ar.shyamraj?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==

Exterior view of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

Exterior view of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

Living room of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

The point of convergence from all angles of a private-semi public, positioned within a sky-lit internal court, which allows light to flood throughout the building. The sense of inconjunction with the courts creates a tranquil setting. The living room has a simple design, by merging the spaces, in-side and outside becomes one, making the feeling in amongst green.

The courtyard is designed to be the “lung of the house”, breathing in fresh outside air and letting out inside air. The courtyard is east facing, so that the entire space bathes in the warm morning sun filtered through glass blocks, the much needed morning wakeup refreshment. Ample ventilation has also been provided so that heat does not build up within.

The residence comprises of two faces, oriented in different directions, the heads of which were oriented according to the visibility from the highway giving an exemplary approach. It features both matte and glossy concrete finish with glass and wood combination, along with sandwich panelled roofing in five different natural tones arranged into stratified layers.

Living room of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

Living space is the life and core of the residence. It is a double height space. Giving residents a lofty, airy area with beautiful natural light. It is also connected to the outer green space and gazebo. A long strip passage is placed in the centre of the plot and is used as the main circulation space, connecting public, semi public and private spaces.

Family living of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

Dining of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

An open dining was placed within close proximity from thekitchen for ease of service and in a way to enjoy the green from the indoor courtyard.

Dining of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

Dining of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

Central court of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

Due to plot being narrow, a traditional courtyard like nadumuttam was impossible. So, the court which became “heart of the design” was provided in east, giving life to the spaces with natural lighting and air circulation.

Staircase of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

View from staircase of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

Seating area of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

Bedroom of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

Kept away from main activity zone and it also captures the green from its private court.

Bedroom of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

Bedroom 2 of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

Outdoor seating area of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

Outdoor spaces with relaxing seating and fireplaces are a beautiful way to create a comfortable setting. The living space is connected to gazebo, bridging exterior and interiors, which make the house feel exuberant.

Night shot of exterior view of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

Night shot of exterior view of Celandine by 7th Hue Architecture Studio

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