A group of business class envisaged a project to host events that are popular in this particular cultural zone. The assignment aims at showcasing the project in a wider spectrum of society facilitating conventions, weddings, art and cultural events.

We envisioned the volumes in consideration of the user interest in conducting multiple ranges of events that can happen in basic galleries, flexible multipurpose halls with no fixed podiums and open-air courtyards, thus dividing the spaces into three. The design embraces the spirit of bringing two fragments and their silhouette maintains the outer appearance and a courtyard is centrally placed to interpret the notion of spatial planning.

Major facades are aligned East-West, parallel to the access road in a simple construction order and are protected from heat and glare through extended sheet roof cladding protecting the built masonry walls from the harsh climatic conditions. These volumes are topped with sweeping monoslopes and are closed with chiseled edges to keep the structure cost-effective and to manage the rainwater during the monsoons. With respect to the proximity and mass, the main hall extends to form the entrance lobby and porch and stimulates the user flow to the other spatial volumes.

The centrally placed courtyard, a transitional space facing west is contained in a monolithic construction of clay breeze block, that helps reduce the harsh glare and becomes the branding canvas, thus diffusing the two cladded volumes.


Architects : Alchemy
Area : 30,500 sq.ft.
Year : 2022
Website : https://www.instagram.com/alchemy_excite/

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