Designed with a minimalistic template, the CoolLine showroom cum office space explores a very raw and intense palette infused with refined metal and natural dark wood – making it timeless, at the same time, convivial. A buoyant display area along with the workstations, encapsulates an open-plan design philosophy, with varied space-mapping to define the hierarchy of the office. The light fixtures are placed strategically to create a canvas for the metallic furniture that act like art pieces; together with the vibrant product-information posters.

This space is designed for the modern client – one who is willing to observe and learn the intricacies underlyingthe product that they buy. They are unwilling to fall for foolish marketing gimmicks, and will only put their trust upon someone when they are convinced that the person opposite them is an expert in his/her field of business. The first element that you imbibe is the expression of awe by a heightened sense of space in the reception-cum-display area. The choice of avoiding a false ceiling in this showroom-space is unusualbut necessary, as the client wished to conceive total transparency between himself and his customers.

In order to show their customer how they are different from their competition, they wanted to expose every part and aspect of an air-conditioning system installation. To implement this vision, special display pedestals and suspended metal shelves were designed where HVAC system are highlighted as if they were art pieces. Interestingly, the exposed ‘Copper Pipes’ of the air conditioning system make the client’s and visitor’s journey experiential, as they give an insight into the working of the HVAC system. The earthly muted colours with a touch of calming greens are selected with an intention
of a human-centric approach, for allowing the user to better appreciate colours. In spite of exposing the different elements usually hidden by a false ceiling, they are painted in a flat grey tone to prevent any prolonged attention towards them. It thereby ensues in increasing the efficiency and comfort of the employees.

Innovatively-used suspended metal tables augment the energetic and dramatic aura of the workspace, underlining a very contemporary approach in the entire office design. They form a definitive identity of this space, whereby their natural surface blemishes are preserved to render a raw and unrefined appearance.

The laminates for the storage cupboards is carefully chosen to balance the light grey tone of the ceiling and the dark lignite tone of the tables. The wooden shelves breathe energy into the otherwise muted ambience, adorning the metallic partition separating the work area with the conference room.

A human-centric approach to both colour and lighting allows for improved productivity and wellbeing of the employees. Interestingly used suspended raw metal tables ,light fixtures augment the energetic and dramatic aura of the work space, underlining a very modern approach.


Area : 1500 sq.ft.
Year : 2022
Website :

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