As the world is engulfed by rising cases of coronavirus patients, hospitals around the world are reaching their maximum capacity and numerous positive patients are being left untreated resulting in avoidable deaths everywhere. To prevent these avoidable deaths and overwhelming our healthcare system, hospitals are now reserving their beds mostly for the severe cases and most mild-symptom patients are being suggested to self-quarantine at home under supervision of a medical professional as they don’t require hospitalization, which is an appropriate measure to avoid overburdening our healthcare facilities. But self-quarantining at home also results in patients’ families being exposed to the virus which might contribute to spreading the virus even further. An emergency quarantine facility (EQF) targeted towards completely isolating mild-symptoms patients from the community might help better control the spread of the virus.

CubeX Quarantine Pavilion is a conceptual design for a temporary pop-up quarantine facility that can be set up inside hospital premises and can be used to isolate mild-symptoms COVID-19 patients or monitor suspected positive patients keeping them from spreading the infection in the community till their test results are determined.

The pavilion is composed of flexible modular units that are easy to deploy and assemble on-site and can provide much-needed shelter in a very short time. It has versatile spatial planning that adapts to the needs of the user accordingly. But a proposed ideal architectural schematic comprises of a central corridor with isolation wards on both sides, an entrance to the pavilion with a pantry and portable toilets on one end, and a nurse station with a separate nurse entrance on the opposite end. The design enables the addition of more modular units to the existing pavilion if the cases rise and more patients come in and removal of existing modules if the patients recovered and the space is no longer n


Architects : Ankit Kashyap
Year : 2020
Website :

CubeX can be easily set up inside Hospital premises which can help hospitals accommodate more patients instead of sending them home for self-quarantine because of no vacant isolation wards in the hopital. Keeping additional quarantine shelters inside hospital premises is convenient to both patients and the hospital as compared to turning distant buildings into quarantine shelters or temporary hospitals as the spread can be contained in a single zone and the healthcare workers don’t need to be segregated into two different areas to monitor the patients.

With no requirement of skilled labour what makes the design promising is its speed, scalability and buildabilty. The pavilion can also be re-used post-COVID-19 as shelter for homeless, additional treatment wards in hospitals and refugee camps in disaster relief.

“Design is a powerful tool and an intention to contribute leading to a problem-solving design can help aid our world in recovering from the coronavirus pandemic”- Ankit Kashyap

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