The dappled house is a construct born out of deep contemplations and study of constricts within the scopes of the contexts of location and client requirements. Situated in the urban context of Palakkad, this residence sits within a size-constraint plot and is surrounded by houses in close proximity. The clients wanted a home they could relish that was private and intimate to them and away from busybodies. Wanting a three-bedroom house for themselves in a relatively linear and narrow plot, the only requisite the homeowners had was for their new home to feel spacious and intimate.
Considering the challenge of designing lavish spaces in a size constraint plot, the design team sought to plan the layout by including courtyards and gardens within the home. The concept was to invite nature inside the house rather than leaving a large garden outside in the public eye, which the residents would not enjoy. As a result of this concept, the team came up with the idea of designing an interior with dappled lighting. Simple yet effective, the architect designed the roof with round perforations in random order and placed it along the sun's path to get a diffused shimmering of light which enhances the subtle effect of light modes to be experienced by everyone in the house. The prayer room and the courtyard have floods of light through a combination of skylights and perforations of the roof and walls.
Integrating courtyards with the living and dining spaces and strategically placing the double-height prayer area in between them exudes warmth and unifies the spaces while exemplifying the architecture and interior design. The backdrop of lush tropical plants and water fountains in rooms and the play of natural light wipes away the client's initial concerns. The staircase is rightly positioned beside the prayer room, separating the living and dining, giving the former the privacy it needs. Inclusive courtyards in the interiors provide the residents with unique spaces where they can enjoy the greens and good natural light within the privacy of their homes. The house is compact, optimal, and rich in the play of light. A cantilevered family living with a balcony shapes the upper facade of the house, which is a contemporary derivation of the traditional sloping roofs seen in the city.
The house shows a neutral palette of greys and whites through the common areas with pops of hues and colours in the private zones. The intimacy of spaces is transcended through minimal interventions like the continuation of the perforation from the roof to the wall to the sliding partitions and in terms of shades of blue and green chosen throughout the house. The home is a prototype of modern city houses in urban contexts of size constraint plots that cater to the mental and physical health of its occupants by carefully iterating the green spaces around and inside homes.


Architects : Muaz Rahman Architects
Area : 2452 sq.ft.
Year : 2023
Website :

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