While many functional aspects of a built space can be articulated, its response and deliverability can be quantified but what is hard to articulate - is the abstract notion of a home, to define something that doesn’t exist in numbers or even words. But that was the brief, a rather simple yet idiosyncratically complex challenge. The design process was a means to define the meaning of the word “Home” through the built space for its inhabitants - through its materiality and spatial vocabulary. 

Since the client, Mr Ranganath and Asha, and their two children have their roots in rural Karnataka it became imperative for us to blend traditional and modern elements within them. The architectural narrative of this dwelling was meticulously crafted to encapsulate the essence of a Karnataka village house, offering its residents a retreat that mirrors the warmth and connectivity inherent in vernacular structures.

At the core of the design philosophy lies a central courtyard, a nod to traditional village homes, where daily life unfolds in a communal embrace. The strategic placement of rooms around this central hub not only ensures privacy in an urban setting but also fosters a sense of togetherness among family members, echoing the social fabric of rural communities.

Understanding the intricacies of the contemporary urban lifestyle, we integrated the need for privacy, variable work schedules, and the desire for familial bonds. The design allows visual connectivity throughout the multi-story dwelling, creating a seamless flow between private and communal spaces. The deliberate use of natural light, augmented by the placement of the living quarters on the top floor, imparts a sense of living in an independent home rather than a typical multi-story apartment. To embody the familial spirit, we engaged in extensive consultations with the residents, transcending the conventional client-architect relationship. The resulting structure is not just a physical dwelling but a living narrative, a story told through thoughtful design choices that capture the family's essence.


Architects : Dhi Architecture and Design
Area : 2940 sq. ft.
Year : 2023
Website : https://www.instagram.com/dhi_architects

Exterior view of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Exterior view of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Exterior view of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Exterior view of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

The contractor for this project was the client himself—Mr. Ranganath's son, Sachin, representing Anthill Constructions. This unique aspect of the project adds an intriguing layer, as Sachin technically built his own family's house. The collaboration between the client, architect, and contractor was essential in ensuring the seamless realization of the vision.

The exterior of the residence boasts semi-circular bricks, sourced with the help of the contractor, offering not only thermal protection but also an intriguing textured surface. Timber pillars, acquired locally, further reinforce a commitment to supporting regional craftsmanship and labor. These intentional material choices contribute to the tactile and visual richness of the structure.

Exterior view of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Exterior view of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Living room of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Living room of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

The interior design prioritizes simplicity and ease of maintenance, responding to the practical requests of the homeowners. Understanding the family's needs also helped us in choosing the types of finishes, ensuring that the dwelling remains a home, not a chore. Seemingly radical design details, such as curvilinear bathrooms, challenge preconceptions and introduce a touch of evolution within the home. The incorporation of slits of glass along the staircase wall not only brings in natural light but also maintains privacy, a thoughtful response to the uncertainty of neighboring developments in the ever-expanding cityscape.

This project was not just an architectural endeavor; it was a collaboration between the client, architect, and contractor. The alignment of these three entities ensured a seamless realization of the vision – a home that transcends its physical structure, telling a story of family, tradition, and modernity. In its simplicity, functionality, and connection to its surroundings, this residence stands as a testament to the successful fusion of vernacular warmth and contemporary urban living.

Living room of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Family living of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Pooja room of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Skylight of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

View from staircase of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Top floor view of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Top floor view of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Bedroom of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Bedroom of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Passage to terrace of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Study area of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Foyer of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Balcony of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Detailed shot of wall of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Level 1 plan of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Level 2 plan of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Level 3 plan of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

Level 4 plan of Hombale Residence by Dhi Architecture and Design

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