It is a residence located in a coastal community of Tithal, Gujarat, India. Not too long ago, Tithal was a sleepy small resort town dotted with one -two story colonial bungalows fused with local vernacular architecture with gable-hip clay tiled roofs. Gone are the good old days of the past and the community now is crowded with modern concrete-plastered, aluminum glass window boxes.

House 05 is designed in a manner of what we term it as a “regional modernism”. It is designed as a breath of fresh air amongst the jungle of indiscriminate modern boxes. to bring some nostalgia of the past with modern materials and design strategies of sustainability.

The house is designed with load bearing, cavity exposed brick walls. Fenestrations are strategically placed to allow for ambient daylight and minimize harsh sun from south and south-west. Great care is taken to allow cross ventilation throughout the house all year round, especially in the hot summers and monsoons, when humidity is too high. It is a house that breathes. 

The house is equipped with 3 kilowatts of photovoltaic panels and 2500 liters of rainwater tank to harvest solar energy and potable water for consumption. It represents a microcosm of what could be repeated as a model for a larger community.


Architects : Mp Design Workshop
Area : 2145 sq.ft.
Year : 2022
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