The client’s brief was very straight forward. The house was to be designed for 3 generations and hence, they aspired for a modern house with the charms of yesteryears. They desired a bit segregated outdoor areas, to be able to host guests in there on space without disturbing others. The architectural forms, scale and material choices were hence determined.

The plot is a perfect rectangle with roads on the north and east sides. Hence the design strategy was of creating a subset within the private spaces which is bounded and inward looking. All the larger fenestrations of the house open up to the north while the south is kept dead by thick red laterite wall. The building narrative emulates a sequence of explorations which forms a spatial poesy. This is achieved by the surreal juxtaposition of elements like, Bastian walls, living room as a glass box piercing through the walls, the inconspicuous entry, an echerian staircase, two barrel vaults, double height arched doors, a pivotal water body and arches in red laterite stone.

The tall sandstone walls are a metaphor of a portal that closes once you enter, leaving the city behind. In the relentless movement of life, it is the space for a pause. The humble entry door opens into a quiet transition of an almost transparent staircase and the living room. The Living room is a sheer box that brings in a sense of outdoors from three sides. It is a humble one storied volume and holds a terrace garden on top. The furniture pieces are cheerfully bright and contrasts well with the subdued shell of white black and brown.


Architects : Atelier Landschaft
Area : 3600 sq.ft.
Year : 2020
Website :

Bastian walls and entrance of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Central Water Court of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Two courtyards divide the volume further. In between the living and dining areas and, accessible from the sit-outs of both, is a sunken courtyard with a water body and a fragrant champa tree at center. It has been designed across multiple levels, with the lowest part doubling up as an outdoor spa. The water can be drained out from its uppermost level to create a connection from the dining to living areas, with a school of fish inlay in the floor to give a sense of direction.

The second courtyard is private in nature and has a circular skylight that creates a play of light on the blue volume of the lift shaft. The skylight has punctures on the sidewalls to let the hot air escape. On the south facing external side is a skin of terracotta breeze blocks that keep out the harsh sunlight while allowing fresh air into the center of the house. 

Central Water Court of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Central Water Court of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Central Water Court of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Central Water Court of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Living room of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Living room of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Living room of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Dining of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

The kitchen has clean lines, solid wood shutters and a serving window connecting the dining. Two arched windows form the highlight of the dining area and they open out onto a patio and the central water-filled courtyard. The ceiling of the dining is form finished exposed concrete with a modern bohemian glass chandelier. Running along the spine is an almost see through staircase in mild-steel. It splits into two parts at midlanding level, creating a private access to each of the bedrooms on the upper floor.

Kitchen of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Pooja room (Mandir) of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

The central circulation spine cuts the entire volume into two linearly. On the ground floor the volume to the north holds all the public areas, namely the living, dining, kitchen and powder room, on the other side of the central spine are bedrooms for the grandparents and visiting guests. The grandparent’s bedroom was intentionally situated on the ground floor to ensure easy accessibility for the aged couple. The external wall here is made in red laterite stone sourced from Ratnagiri. Custom block sizes were pre-determined and cut at the quarry itself since the stone gradually hardens on being exposed to air. The thickness of the stone helps in thermal insulation of the bedroom. The red Laterite wall incorporates two large arches, giving this room a cozy vibe. The mandir is at the far end of the circulation spine with a double height volume. Sunlight becomes the sole ornamentation here. Streaming in from behind the marble altar, the sunlight creates beautiful shadow patterns as the day progresses.  

Staircase of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Staircase bridge of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Lift shaft, circulation of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Bedroom of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Following the linear nature of the house, both the bedrooms on the upper floor comprise three consecutive areas: a lounge at the entrance, the bed in the middle followed by a bath at the back. Two concrete vaults form the roof of these bedrooms. The vault, as an architectural element, complements the linear nature of the bedrooms. It also allowed us to create greater height without the need for tall lateral walls, resulting in spaces that are ample yet intimate. The double height arched teakwood door compliments the volume. The inner side of the vaults is detailed in undulating wooden strips to create an uneven surface to mitigate echoes. The cove lights at the base of the vaults highlights the profile of the roof while giving out ambient light. 

Bedroom of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Bedroom of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Grand Parents Bedroom of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Grand Parents Bedroom of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Bathroom of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

The bathrooms are monolith with green courts. The breeze walls helps in ventilation and harnessing cool breeze from the west. Seating and niches are built in stone to reduce upkeep.

Well, sitting in between cloned buildings, the design aspires to bring playfulness, intrigue and serendipity. I thank you for being a part of this journey through the house of whimsy.

Ground Floor Plan of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

First Floor Plan of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Section of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Section of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

Site Plan of House of whimsy by Atelier Landschaft

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