
Photographer : Sergio Ghetti & Cadence

The site for the project measured 60’x40’. The requirement was to build a 30 bed dialysis center. The unique feature of the site was that it was adjacent to an ancient South Indian Temple which was revered by the neighborhood for both its architectural presence and religious value. The context in that sense was atypical of a generic urban setting. The position that we took was to make a sensitive intervention into the context, we looked at the building as a backdrop to the existing scenario with the temple as the main protagonist.  

The wards were stacked vertically to accommodate the thirty beds. The building was detached from the ground to enable congregational and waiting spaces for the people. The services of the building were relegated to the rear and the terrace of the building was conceived to be a cafeteria. Light is used as a dominant material to design the interior spaces. The softness is achieved through the use and treatment of all materials in a way that they all melt into one cohesive element based on the detailing.

The building façade is formulated by surfaces built out of brick that has a bellowing quality about them; the sensual quality of the surface dematerializes the brick surface and renders an ephemeral feel to the building. The building skin is used as a filter to create light that is ethereal rendering a soothing feel to the wards. The slivers between the bellowing shells allow light to permeate into the building only to create a spatial and visual feel that is as divine as the temple outside.   


Architects : Cadence Architects
Area : 9700 sq. ft.
Year : 2015
Website :

Exterior view of KMYF by Cadence Architects

Exterior view of KMYF by Cadence Architects

Exterior view of KMYF by Cadence Architects

Entrance of KMYF by Cadence Architects

Entrance of KMYF by Cadence Architects

Interior view of KMYF by Cadence Architects

Interior view of KMYF by Cadence Architects

Dusk light exterior view of KMYF by Cadence Architects

Dusk light exterior view of KMYF by Cadence Architects

Plan of KMYF by Cadence Architects

Drawing of KMYF by Cadence Architects

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