Located in Kerala’s Thrissur District, the ‘Mango house’ thrives to inscribe minimalist modernity as its design language while sharing a humble relationship with its immediate vicinity. As the project name duly indicates, the salient feature of the design would be the site’s resident old Mango tree which is wrapped around a layer of jali screens shaping into an external courtyard near the sit out. This was an attempt to merge the  existing predominant site feature seamlessly with the introduced built environment .

The project is designed for the simple family of Mr.Satheeshan, a Thrissur based businessman. The clients had a very clear and comprehensible vision of their dream abode right from the first meeting, with their requirements being simple yet relevant- a well lit and ventilated home with an open layout that would compliment their contemporary lifestyle.
The 10 cent linear plot had access points from both South and west sides being flanked by connection roads on either of those sides. Main entrance was proposed from South side to maintain the linearity in design. The chosen muted palette for the exterior was a complementing response to the surrounding morphology with residences on all four sides of the plot. The white plays its magic by capturing one’s whole attention to the building without being too loud or demanding. The subtle tint of greys given for the sunshades and fresh greenery stirs well with the white and augments the whole composition. Porous treatment of the front facade with MS mesh and the jali screening behind it stamps the character of the design right from the first glance. This softens the building boundaries enhancing the welcoming appeal without compromising much security.
This 2020 sq.ft residence was designed in an open concept with minimal walls used for drawing boundaries between spaces. The car porch is integrated well with the design having linear steps on its one side leading to a sit out that looks into the Mango tree courtyard. A small linear water body on its side adds to the freshness of the landscape. As we enter the house, all the public spaces including living, dining and Kitchen are designed to act cohesively without an evident barrier for demarcation. Courtyards bearing greenery are juxtaposed between the spaces, making sure they are in constant conversation with the landscape and building context. The living and dining spaces are aligned in a line with a breathing core between them, leading to an open kitchen at the end. The large courtyard spaced between staircase and breakfast counter, pours in ample amount of light and fresh air to the interior with the aid of skylight and double height jali walls on either sides. Cross ventilation is enabled throughout with large sliding windows and Porous jali screens placed on adequate walls. Vertical spatial connection is maintained as well with double height courtyard spaces acting as communication cores. The house has three bedrooms, one in ground floor and the rest in upper floor, each of them provided with either large sliding doors or windows ensuring appropriate cross ventilation.
The interior color palette was chosen corresponding to the overall theme of the house, with shades of grey, beige and white being the notable colors. The tint of green from the courtyards compliments perfectly the theme that embodies lightness and openness. The minimal theme extends to the furniture design was well, predominantly made of mahogany wood tinted to a light pine shade. Inbuilt seating provisions in the living room and upper corridor perform as storage units as well, translating the simplicity of the design language into practice. The material palette explores the raw textural qualities of each of the elements used , that is to say- MS sheets and wire mesh used for staircase, Nano white stone as counter/dining table tops, small swathes of cobble stones and baby metal laid in the courtyard. All of them are presented as it is without layers of extra modification or coating thus staying true to the design intend.
Following the prominent principle of “less is more”, this house of muted hues marks its subtle subsistence in the community, simultaneously speaking an ingenious design language of its own.


Architects : i2a Architects Studio
Area : 2020 sq. ft .
Year : 2021
Website : https://www.i2aarchitects.com/

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