

Photographer : Satvik Bhavsar

NP Pavilion, commissioned by NipponPly, is a temporary installation made of plywood that was designed for Acetech Exposition 2018 Mumbai. The design is guided and inspired by Plate Skeleton system of Sea Urchins and embodies the integration of form, fabrication, and performance. Focusing on the client's mission of showcasing the plywood's innate strength, a tessellating system of 720 triangular "panels" was developed based on guided hanging chain models, assembled together into one continuous shell, and joined using pairs of 835 MS Brackets.

The shell was exposed to various stresses to facilitate strength and was designed with benefits of minimal wastage, high reusability, precision, and ease of assembly within a day's time. Two columns support the flat end of the shell creating space for small meeting and display areas, while the biggest plywood cuboid makes space for a small reception area. The yellow LED spot lights add warmth to the pavilion.


Architects : Studio Saransh
Year : 2019
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