

Photographer : Hemant Patil

Revamping a 25-year-old institution to contemporize it while maintaining its legacy, posed the classic challenge of merging old with new. Studio GASP envisioned an open plan approach with a central open area, where visitors could interact with the sales team and feel included -- generating a ‘public space’ vs ‘private space’ effect without introducing physical barriers.

With most employees being senior personnel associated with the organization since its inception, besides addressing the basic programmatic requirement, the studio was keen to bring in a certain character and poise to the workspace that would distinguish it from the current start-up cliches. Therefore, the materials, spaces, colors, artwork are all stitched together in a manner that reflect the goodwill and practicality of the 25-year-old organization.


Architects : Studio GASP
Year : 2019
Website :

Understating the ways of working from the office, the studio concluded that apart from the executive cabin where meetings and negotiations would take Centre stage, the other areas need little or no privacy. This worked perfectly well with the open office concept. Plans were drawn out taking into consideration the existing window placement and structure of the building. The furniture arrangement layers the office structure in a way that layers the separate functions distinctly yet enhances user interaction, resulting in better communication without interrupting the structure of the company.

The material palette was restricted to bare minimum, showcasing natural material, mainly granite stone and teak wood; the soffit was painted in a dark color to hide the undulations in the bare concrete slab, while old lighting points in the RCC slab were reused negating the need for a conventional false ceiling.

The combination of the restrictions put by the budget, existing structural system brief, and innovative detailing led Prithvi_202 to become a timeless office space.

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