

Photographer : Shijo Thomas

Site has a special character, the neighbourhood context was a temple. The main idea behind the project was how to bring about these character, culture, tradition and adapting the form based on climatic analysis inspired from the temples. The rooms of the house  adopt buffer zones inspired from the south indian temples. The movement of the visitor from the busy world cutting across the various buffer zones upto the inner core. Here the inner core symbol (calmness and peace) is symbolised by the central water body.

The Kerala Mural Paintings introduced to the concept of the Panchavarnas- or the five colours- black, white, red, yellow and green. These are the only colours used in this style. This idea was inspired and introduced to the interior mood boards.

Red- indicates bravery, love and strength.
Green-  symbolizes nature.
Yellow-  symbolizes happiness, peace, meditation, competence and mental development.


Architects : Design Platform Architects
Area : 4500 sq. ft
Year : 2020
Website :

Movement of Life
The experience of life is the experience of movement, which lends a new meaning to  the cliche, 'The only constant is change'. The idea that life is experienced only as a  movement has some far reaching implications.

You can never experience your own existence, as such, through a mind that can only  experience movement. All that you can experience is the expression of that  existence in the form of movement. This existence is itself formless, and is the only  existence there is. This is what some call God and in this space (main entry) we placed  ganapathi (god).

Moving around the three elements light, time and nature which symbolizes  life. this space is the most important core of the house which gives  life to  other rooms just like the branches formed from the main stem. Therefore  this is a idol space where guests, residents and visitors circumambulate.

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