Text provided by Ar. Pavitra Karwa
"THE NEST," it's a tranquil abode located in an urban fabric surrounded by lush green trees standing true to its name. The site amid the cacophony of an urban cluster and roads around, with captivating volumetric arrangements that makes it appealing in a go. Revealing very little about itself, the house creates a surprising impression in onlookers' minds. The blend of the geometrics and exposed bricks gives a discrete look to the abode while enchanting openings on the facade excite one to discover what the structure is all about.

This home of 6000 sq. ft for a joint family in Nashik is a complete transition from chaotic city life to peaceful contemporary space. It effortlessly captures the spirit of an outdoor-indoor design and gives a bungalow feel in an apartment. The planning owes its flexibility to the wholesome and meticulous area program. Similar to the hierarchy of spaces like the public, semi-public and private spaces in this structure are organized clearly. The spatial arrangements of the space divide all the public areas such as living, kitchen, dining and 2 bedrooms on the ground floor, and private areas such as other bedrooms and the family area is planned on the upper floor. 

The approach for interiors was to fuse modern and traditional morals. The design exceptionally strikes the charisma of the Traditional Rajasthani Indian essence in the form of louvered windows, paintings, dyed veneer in combination with wood. This ethnicity of the furnishings softens the sturdy and raw look cast by the bare bricks.

To summarize, the design elements included space, line, forms, light, colour, texture, and pattern; and keeping them balanced was the key to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing space. This residence crafted speaks a fluent urban language with its design inspired from the concept of modern homes with traditional feel crafted to epitomize grandeur with easy-chic living. Project THE NEST feels like an escape to tranquillity from day-to-day turmoil. 


Architects : Atelier 226
Area : 6000 sq.ft.
Year : 2023
Website : https://www.instagram.com/atelier.226/

Exterior View Of The Nest by Atelier 226

Living room

Living room

Living room

Family Room + Staircase


Family Living Room

Bed room

Bed room

Bed room 2

Bed room 2

Bed room 3

Bed room 4

Bed room 4 - Study Table

Bed room 5

Bed room 5- Detailed Shot




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