The site had an extend of 50 cents with roeads on south and west. Private lands span the northeren and eastern side. Zoning and access planning was carefully done to benefit the whole design. The west side access was chosen as it opened into a sub road which offers a hassle free entry and exit to the plot. This entry on the shorter western side on the rectangular plot, offered a much longer expanse of landscape in the front and hence more privacy. 

The structure is thoughtfully placed without bringing down the two existing fruit trees in the front. This significantly helps in shielding the house from the harsh afternoon sun and also adds to the asthetics of the facade. 

Wider side setbacks provided room for big trees which not only adds beauty to the elevation, but also serves as an effective buffer from the noise and pollution. The rear side of the plot was reserved for fruit bearing tropical trees like mango, jack fruit, sapodilla and a small kitchen garden beside it. The thermal comfort of the interior environment has been so thought out, right from the early stages of planning that the original tropical foliage in the site, including the lush green wild berry tree, has been thoughtfully retained in a way that it merges seamlessly with the design and wordlessly shields the "NEST" and its inhabitants from the scorching summer sun. 

An amazing sense of natural light could be captured and brought in by the use of an elegant pergola and glass paced at the right spot above the courtyard. The play of sunlight talks about the open sky above, rather than acting as a mere light source. 

The abundance of light and life in the interior is well taken care of, by the tall glass wall which urges in the morning sun and the slits on the side wooden facade ensures  asteady flow of air in right amounts. The while design element together with the beautiful patterns of light and shadow it casts on the walls and stairs, evoke a sense of timelessness in the beholder. 

Considering the spatial orientation of the site the extent variability of contribution of the seasonal elements including sun, wind and rain and the desired interior micro climate laid out by dynamic connectivity and abundant air circulation, the quality spaces were strategically zoned in three layers. The public common areas are placed in the west, at double height, the private rest areas in the east and the semi public areas in the centre zine connecting both. 

A spaciout sit out as requested by the client, opening up on all three sides into the cool green view of the vast landscaped area in front, is the initial high light of the home, which enhances the sensory experience of beautiful bright sunny mornings, moody mystic rainy evenings and breezy spring afternoons.

The cozy sit out opens into a cavernous, loving skylight courtyard, its floor studded by beautiful patterns drawn by sun light lazily streaming through the leaves of the lone ficus standing tall, drawing one's attention to it the very second they enter the double height luminous space. The charm of the space extends well beyond the courtyard as it offers an unobstructed wide and long peak into the tastefully done family living and beyond. 

The courtyard has been meticulously planned in such a way that the formal and family living and the dining spaces get to open up into it and share the airy green vibrant space forming a dynamic continuum. This common area is accessible from the two bedrooms provided in the ground as well. The kitchen space is done tastefully and ergonomically and has a beautiful view of the front garden.  


Architects : Kaleido Architects
Area : 6021 sq.ft.
Year : 2021
Website :

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