It is located at a busy street connection Palakkad to Calicut. Client approached with idea of café with maximum open spaces. The space is covered with glass by its 3 sides. It helped us to give outside view from the interior.

As the space was less, we used maximum space available. We gave an open layout with less circulation need . everything was accesses able from small distance. we gave privacy to each customer by creating a pod type seating. We used mostly raw type of finish. Ceiling was exposed steel roof with black finish. We places planter box to block the view. We used pastel colors for the furniture. Construction was done on the site for better details. Steel pipe bending all were done at the site it self . Furnitures were made from another workspace. 

The spacial organization can be understood easily. Café are the spaces where people come to spend their time for leisure. It was done by creating a aesthetical spaces for the customers .


Architects : Eden Space Design Studio
Area : 750 sq.ft.
Year : 2021
Website :

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