

Photographer : PRABHUL MATHEW

Residences coming up in urban fringes and its process , especially that experiments in changing the form and scale of execution receives much attention in terms of quantity and quality .


Year : 2017
Website :

Envisioning this residence at Chengannur ,Alleppy in a site, remarked for years as owner's liability was equally challenging as well as rewarding . it's an end product of a large number of individual decisions and subsequent assessments , and a play of aspirations and compromises made by nature, man and the built.

The plan evolves from the restrictions of the site. Apart from providing basic protection from harsh sun and rain, nature is received with due respect and its attributes are celebrated in the interiors. . The design philosophy followed is minimalism, be it in exterior or interiors. The best example is that of the sun/rain shades. While exterioris professed as a skin to control and harness the climatic conditions, the interiors are rather loosely connected by lit and ventilated courts, that run around the principal spaces playing hide and seek optimizing family interactions with privacy of the user.

The living spaces that reminds you that nature doesn't hurry, yet, everything is accomplished; while the dining and sleeping spaces proves the vernacular wisdom that ventilation is key to comfort and not windows .

The design and detailing of the stair itself is the highlight of this residence , which amuses the passerby and intents to inspire those are interested in architecture to further explore the use of glass as a building material.

Wedge is not only built with hand, but with hearts too. The space makes your heart gentle, when you observe the aged parents become one with it. They just "live" it.

Wedge gives the residents an experience of space and its dynamic interaction with the ever-changing environment manifested in light and shadow comfortably sipping a cup of coffee. The residence is nothing but a good building ,coming from potential impediments of the site and great people who live in it, and an attempt to harness both through good Design. It is perceived as a space to live and work .It sets the residents free, grow and leave .Yet it gives them enough reasons to return.

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