Architecture is a combination of design and technical construction put together. Design is the mode of communication that helps transform an idea or a thought into reality. The importance of design in architecture is equivalent to the importance of foundation in a building. Without design, architecture is merely a building with no purpose. Design simply adds purpose, value, sense of order, and aesthetics to architecture. 

Design in short is an umbrella term consisting of the different aspects and components of architecture that together form a creative idea which further transforms into reality. Architectural design is one of the many options in the profession that one can practice in future. 

Design is a subjective topic. All individuals have their own perception toward design and all may be right. There is no one definition to design. However, there can be a definite process to design. The evolution of an idea to a full fledge design is a 7-step process that includes a few important components of Architectural design. The design development stages are:



Any idea or thought requires some amount of research or analysis in order to evolve the thought into our own design. Architectural design also starts with a strong research and analysis of the location, design idea, design brief, client requirements and so on in order to achieve the desired design results.



The most important component of design is the purpose. Understanding the requirements, the purpose of the space, the function of the space, and targeted audience of the space is the utmost responsibility of an architect. The first thing a design communicates is its purpose, hence formulating a design brief is the utmost important step. 



After decoding the purpose of the space and understanding the target audience, the next step is the understand the spaces withing the function. What and where? Zoning out the desired spaces in the desired locations in a way that each function compliments each other and the overall structure/ space as well. Orientation of spaces help in functioning of a space much better and overall gives order to the space.



The form and shape of the structure, the volume and the massing of the space are a few creative design components included in the deign stage of architecture. The transformation of design from two dimension to three dimension begins here where how a space will be perceived in reality starts reflecting through the design. As a design architect, the main aim should be to design sections of spaces that compliment its purpose and the people using the desired space. 



Any design is incomplete if its only conceptual and on paper. For a design to be workable, it needs to be practical as well. Some structural technicalities need to be included and well designed in order to achieve the thought design. As a design architect the challenge here is to creatively design the structural layout of the structure so well as to be able to achieve the desired idea. Many architects use design as a part of the structural elements like columns, slabs and roofing system that becomes a part of the designed structure itself. 



Apart from technicality and practicality, the most visual role of design in architecture is aesthetics. The look and feel of a space has the power to impact the holistic health of the users and perceivers of the space. A structure must be designed as a whole, this also includes the material palette, color palette, the interior designing and also the landscape (surroundings) of the structure. Many designers first design and then keep the aesthetics stage of designing as the last stage, which personally is a very wrong way to approach any design. The color and material palette in-fact should be a part of the initial stage of design development. 



Drawings are the visual representation of communicating a design to designers. Architectural design mainly incorporates architectural drawings (2D) – Plans, sections, elevations, and 3D views to understand the massing and volume of the design. Drawings are an important and the only aspect of design that can be used to communicate to other designers as well as the clients. 

Now that one is aware of how to develop a design, the next step is to design. Designing is a simple yet complicated challenge to decode. Without limits, designing can really be challenging. This is where a concept development helps shape the outlines of our design. 

Concept Development – As the name suggests, developing a concept that resonates with the purpose and function of your design brings some life to the project. The role of design in architecture is to give buildable solutions. Developing a concept that compliments your design acts as a catalyst to the solution. 

Design in Architecture as a profession


As an architect, design is a field one can explore and become an expert as a deign architect. A person who is involved with only the design development stages of multiple building typologies like – commercial, residential, public buildings, urban streets, landscaping, industrial buildings, hospitality, institutional etc. The design architect based on the project brief, designs and develops design drawings for the same.

For an architect who is more enthusiast and passionate about designing but doesn’t want to get involved into the structural technicalities and engineering of architecture, this may be a good option to explore in the field. 

As a design architect, their tasks include:
1. Dealing with clients on a one-to-one basis. Understanding their requirements and needs and selectively curating a project brief. Step 1- Designing a purpose for the space. 
2. Visiting the site or the desired location for construction. Analyzing and researching the history, climate and all the necessary elements of design that may affect the design development. 
3. Developing a concept for the design that harmonizes with the client requirements as well as the designers thought. 
4. Developing drawings that highlights the design to the clients. 
5. Passing the approved drawings to the structural engineer or the project manager in order to implement the project on site. 
6. Supervising the project.  

As a design Architect, the utmost responsibility is to be able to create an identity for yourself while still being able to give new solutions to all new clients. Retaining a few design elements while curating newer and creative solutions for every new brief is the key responsibility and the biggest challenge for a design architect. 

Overall design is the backbone of architecture. In fact Design is the backbone of lifestyle. Anything and everything that we humans use or are using is designed to our comfort. Architecture is what surrounds us a majority of the time, from our homes to the offices we work in, to the hobbies we practice, to the parks we go to, and the restaurants we eat in – everything around us is designed architecture. The simple logic is where there is a requirement for comfort, there needs to be an active effort toward design.

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Text provided by Pooja Gosar
An Architect aiming to redesign the idea of design. She believes that architecture is a story of built and unbuilt. The architecture we see is not the whole story, there are multiple layers to it. Pooja believes in unfolding these layers to the world and exploring architecture beyond perception.


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