Nestled in the picturesque town of Thodupuzha, Kerala, the Muttom Residence stands as a testament to the successful marriage of tradition and modernity. Undertaken as a challenging renovation project, the old house received a breath of contemporary life under the discerning vision of Dr. Rony Kallarackal and his wife, Maya. The endeavor was to seamlessly blend a modern aesthetic with the existing design, a delicate dance between preserving the charm of the old and infusing it with fresh, contemporary elements. 

The Muttom Residence is not just a renovation; it's a harmonious fusion of past and present, where every corner tells a story of thoughtful design and the artful balance of heritage and innovation. The collaboration for Muttom Residence emerged from a shared love for seamlessly blending tradition and modernity. The client's discernment led them to their firm, renowned for a portfolio in renovation expertise. Their harmonious alignment centered on preserving the old structure's charm while infusing a contemporary touch. This shared vision formed the foundation for a transformative journey, resulting in the Muttom Residence as a timeless testament to preserving history while embracing the future. 

The renovation design of Muttom Residence is a captivating interplay of diverse materials and textures, seamlessly blending modern and traditional elements. It artfully integrates a rich palette of materials, featuring the warmth of wood through wooden rafters, veneer finish- es, and bespoke wooden furniture. The inclusion of natural stones, stone columns, and clay roofing tiles adds an earthy and timeless quality. Notably, the custom jallie works contribute to both privacy and aesthetics. Refurbishing existing structures while retaining their tradition- al identity showcases a thoughtful preservation of heritage. This amalgamation of materials and textures forms the essence of Muttom Residence, a harmonious symphony that bridges the gap between past and present.


Architects : EDOM Architecture
Area : 7000 sq. ft.
Year : 2023
Website :

View from entrance of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Entrance porch of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Verandah of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Courtyard of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Corridor of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Dining view from verandah of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Dining & Living room of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Dining of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Dining of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Dining of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Kitchen of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Detailed shot of pillars of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Dusk light courtyard view of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Dusk light exterior view of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Parking of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

Main entrance of Muttom Residence by EDOM Architecture

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