BeyondBurg, a non-traditional burger joint, provided an opportunity for digression from a conventional “burger joint” aesthetic. It was stepping stone to change and create something unique to the café culture in Kerala. Suraj adopted a clean, modern and minimalist approach to the design that delivers a seamless and warm user experience. The entire space, accommodated in two storeys and framed by an earthy colour scheme, is designed around a lush tree that occupies the centre and is the focal point to the café in its entirety. All walls, countertops and the flooring are in shades of white, in keeping with the minimalist outlook of the space. Keeping the café culture in mind, a smart play of colours with the use of wood and hues of white have been used. The plants provide a pleasant pop of colour, keeping the space vibrant and tying all the elements together. The clean whites and simple wood textures enables this space to feel like it has been naturally lit and ventilated. 

The café section very aptly has their coffee on display in a very raw and rustic form which is quite pleasing to the eye. Small details such as the gold embossing at the counter, apt use of warm lighting and the continuation of the same colour scheme in the furniture brings a sense of luxury into this space. The design both exceeds and redefines expectations from a casual café and is simultaneously young, refined and accessible.  

Through effective floor planning, the designer also balances challenging priorities of maximizing seating space while ensuring that requirements for kitchen space and other back-end operations are met. With a seating area of 1500 sqft, the restaurant has a seating capacity of 80 pax. Users have a comfortable amount of space to walk through the whole café, sit at a table with their friends & enjoy their meal and even watch their meal being prepared if they would like to do so.

BeyondBurg , being situated on a main road is subject to a lot of noise and chaos, but on stepping into the café, one is easily transported to a peaceful and relaxed environment. Most cafes in Kerala seem to be bustling with street like energy and do not heed to the experience the space could offer. This project breaks those barriers and blends ‘luxury’ and ‘street’ harmoniously.


Architects : 7ft Studio
Area : 1500 sq.ft.
Year : 2021
Website :

Interior view of BeyondBurg by 7ft Studio

Interior view of BeyondBurg by 7ft Studio

Interior view of BeyondBurg by 7ft Studio

Interior view of BeyondBurg by 7ft Studio

Interior view of BeyondBurg by 7ft Studio

Interior view of BeyondBurg by 7ft Studio

Interior view of BeyondBurg by 7ft Studio

Interior view of BeyondBurg by 7ft Studio

Interior view of BeyondBurg by 7ft Studio

Interior view of BeyondBurg by 7ft Studio

Interior view of BeyondBurg by 7ft Studio

Interior view of BeyondBurg by 7ft Studio

Interior view of BeyondBurg by 7ft Studio

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