A farmhouse is a place that offers peace, warmth and belonging. It is a haven away from the bustling city where the mind can enjoy time with family and nature. Savita Wadi is one such farmhouse that embodies the character of the family that resides in it. Owing to the strong connection of the client with Tamil Nadu, Savita Wadi is a unique traditional Chettinad-style house that reappropriates itself to the modern lifestyle. A Chettinad villa is typically a vast palace with around 50 residents catering to their residential and commercial needs. Inspired by it, this minimalistic farmhouse for a family of six people concentrates all the experiential and formal qualities of the Chettinad House in a mere footprint of 5400 sq. ft. It is located amidst an existing Mango Groove, retaining all but six trees and curating many more around it. 

Elements of Traditional architecture like courtyards, sloping roofs and patterned floors blend with modern materials, clean lines and modern utilities. A wide Verandah welcomes one at the entrance, creating a space for socializing and relaxation. The stone columns brought from Tamil Nadu with the red sandstone benches form an outward-looking space that enhances the connection with nature. 

The intricately carved front door of the house embodies the spirit of the traditional Chettinad villa in its carefully designed wooden carvings and panels. This grand entrance leads to the heart of the design: the courtyard that binds different rooms and residents together. It is a compilation of elements that represent the traditional style. Tall Burmese Wood columns with stone bases hold the roof that frames the sky. Brightly coloured customized patterned mosaic tiles, run along the corridor, adding a distinct geometric and intricate aesthetic. The idol of 'Dakshinamurthy' at the centre of the courtyard enhances the positive energy of the space.

The two seating spaces beside the entrance directly borrow from the traditional Chettinad house. Each unique area and its elements create varieties of ways in which one inhabits the place. The red floor of the puja room, with minimal patterns in the wooden carving of the door panels and white border tiles, focuses one's mind towards the almighty. The kitchen becomes a perfect fusion of the old style and our modern ways of living. Every room is custom-made according to its function, reflected in the colour of the tiles, openings connecting to nature, and the utility of the furniture. The living room has dynamic wooden panel doors allowing the user flexibility and convenience. 

Using sustainable materials like wood, stone and clay bricks, combined with a careful understanding of the sun and wind movements, create a comfortable atmosphere within the house even in peak summers. The minimalistic furniture in bedrooms allowed us to bring ready-made items like side tables and beds from the client's old home. The intricate M.S. railings and partitions recall the cast iron details used in the Chettinad house. The project becomes a whole by maintaining consistency in these details, from the glass inserted in the railings and the staircase partition to the courtyard grill. 

On the first floor, the wooden floor combined with fewer openings and plain walls reflects the modern aesthetic. The walls allow for personalization with multiple paintings along its surface. The family area on the first floor gives a scale of space unlike any on the ground floor. The sloping roof towards the courtyard has a gutter running along its end that channels all the rainwater to the ground. Two massive balconies, one isolated and one connected to the couple's bedroom, provide a view of the lush greenery surrounding the house. While the courtyard and surrounding spaces concentrate on the inside and unite the family, the semi-open areas look outwards to nature.


Architects : Crest Architects and Interior Designers
Area : 5400 sq.ft.
Year : 2023
Website : https://www.instagram.com/crestarchitects/?hl=en

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